Sunday, April 15, 2007

Tieger Assessment of Personality Type

I did the assessments that we were told to do and It really shocked me. In doing this assessment I found out that I am an interactive person.In the second assessment I did, my letters were ESFP, which means that I am a Extravert, Sensers a feeler, and a perciever.I prefer to deal with information that is tangible, factual, and objective. They prefer data to ideas. They typically like spreadsheets, reports, charts, graphs, facts and figures.I prefer to focus their attention and process the world on the outer world of people and things.I strive for harmony and equanimity and base their decisions on their own and others’ feelings. I am spontaneous, flexible, “go with the flow” types. They eschew structure, and too many rules/regulations. They have the ability to change priorities easily and often move from one project or idea to another without feeling a compelling need to complete them.

How cool is that!!!!

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